首页> 中文期刊> 《现代诊断与治疗》 >Broca失语语音障碍分析及治疗策略研究




Objective To research the strategy in the analysis and treatment of Broca aphasia speech disorders. Methods 30 cases of patients with Broca aphasia were acupunctured in Baihui customs, Taichong,dumb door, Sanyinjiao and other points, jointed with 4 to 5 months of intensive training speech. Results Speech errors in 30 cases of patients with Broca aphasia were summa-rized as three main types: replace error, omission errors and assimilation error. After the above treatment, speech intelligibility enhance 55.36%.Conclusion When the connection of Temporal-parietal to cover part was damaged, phonemic paraphasia will appear as the main performance with pronunciation, intonation barriers. Acupuncture related points can improve blood flow on the left side of the brain, on this basis , through repeated, appropriate sensory stimulation to stimulate the recovery of their speech function, and promote function compensatory of undamaged area, achieve clinical therapeutic purposes.%目的:对Broca失语语音障碍分析及治疗策略研究。方法30例Broca失语症患者针刺百会、内关、太冲、哑门、三阴交等穴位,联合4~5个月的言语强化训练。结果30例Broca失语症患者语音错误主要归纳为三种错误类型:替换错误、省略错误和同化错误,经以上方式治疗后语音清晰度提升55.36%。结论 Broca失语症患者当颞顶至额盖部连接受损时,会出现以发音、语调障碍为主要表现的音位性错语。针刺相关穴位可改善左侧大脑血流,在此基础上,通过反复、恰当的感官刺激,以激发其言语功能的恢复,促进未受损区域的机能代偿,达到临床治疗目的。



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