首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >河南省艾滋病高发区随访队伍配置现况调查




Objective: A scientific evaluation of the status of high incidence of AIDS counties follow -up team of human resources in Henan, find the problems, to provide a scientific basis for HIV/AIDS prevention and rational allocation and team building AIDS prevention sys-tem.Methods: Distribution of questionnaire to the high incidence of AIDS county CDC staff, medical staff AIDS hospitals, township hospitals re-sponsibility doctors, rural doctors and other control personnel.Results:The majority is 30-49 years old, accounting for 65.4%;highest degree is college, accounting for 39.7%;high school and below is still 7.6 percent;primary title takes the highest proportion , 45.2%, 17.8% has no title ; the specialty in clinical medicine has the greatest proportion, accounting for 59.6%;last year 92.9% participated in the follow-up train-ing, 7.1% did not.Conclusion: HIV follow-up team still needs to improve education and professional aspects.%目的:评价河南省艾滋病高发县区艾滋病随访队伍人力资源配置现状,发现存在的问题,为HIV/AIDS防治队伍的合理配置及艾滋病防治体系建设提供科学依据。方法:对河南艾滋病高发区县疾控中心工作人员、艾滋病定点医院医务人员、乡镇卫生院责任医生、乡村医生等防治人员进行问卷调查。结果:HIV/AIDS随访人员年龄以30-49岁居多,占65.4%;学历以大专所占比例最高,占39.7%,高中及以下的仍有7.6%;职称以初级所占比例最高,为45.2%,无职称占17.8%;所学专业以临床医学最多,占59.6%;过去1年内92.9%参加过随访相关培训,7.1%没参加过培训。结论:艾滋病随访队伍仍需在学历、专业化方面进行改善。



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