首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >美国医院规模变小的趋势及原因探析




在中国医院规模扩大、数量增加的同时,美国医院的数量从1970年的7123家下降到现在的5795家,总床位数从161.6万张下降到94.4万张,500张床位以上的大型医院从1971年的639家下降到2009年的314家,医院的数量、规模和总床位数均呈现下降的趋势。其主要原因是:医疗技术的发展,以病人为中心的理念被普遍接受,成本控制的压力。美国医院的变化符合医疗服务未来发展的趋势,这给中国的警示是,我们应该适当控制医院规模的扩大和总床位数的过度增长,防止资源浪费。%Recent years, hospitals of China are getting bigger and bigger.But at the same time, the number of hospitals in U.S.A de-creased from 7,123 in 1970 to today's 5,795, the total beds decreased from 1,616,000 to 944,000, the number of the hospitals with more than 500 beds decreased from 639 in 1971 to 314 in 2009, the amount of hospitals, scale and total beds of U.S.A are all decreased.The main reasons are as follows: development of medical technology;widespread of the idea of patient-centered;pressure of costs control.These changes are ac-cord with future growing trend and give us a caution that we should control the amount and scale of hospitals of China to prevent waste .



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