首页> 中文期刊>医学综述 >JC多瘤病毒的生物学特征及其感染与肿瘤相关性的研究动态




JC多瘤病毒(JCPyV)是最早鉴定的人类多瘤病毒,可编码致癌蛋白大T抗原,被国际癌症研究机构归为“2B类”致癌原.JCPyV原发感染主要发生于幼年时期,可潜伏于宿主多个部位形成隐性感染,具有致癌风险.JCPyV致癌假说主要有:病毒癌蛋白干扰宿主细胞DNA修复,紊乱细胞周期;病毒DNA整合到宿主基因组中,破坏染色体遗传稳定性;病毒非编码调控区突变,影响其调控基因表达.目前,JCPyV致癌机制还有待深入研究,聚焦JCPyV的生物学特征及其在不同肿瘤中的研究进展,将为JCPyV致癌性研究及相关肿瘤防治提供重要参考.%John Cunningham polyomavirus (JCPyV) is the first identified polyomavirus in human,which encodes the oncogenic protein large T-antigen and has been categorized as a type 2B possible carcinogen by the International Agency for Research in Cancer.Initial JCPyV infection mostly occurs during childhood and it establishes a persistent infection in many tissues or organs of asymptomatic individuals which has carcinogenic potential.At present,there are mainly three hypotheses for the carcinogenisis of JCPyV infection:viral oncogenic proteins inactivate the host cell DNA repair and disregulate cell cycle;viral DNA integrates into the host genome and thus affects chromosome stability;viral non-coding regulatory region mutations affect its regulatory genes expression.Further researches on the carcinogenic mechanisms of JCPyV are needed,and focuses on recent advances in studies of JCPyV biological characterstics and its role in the development of different tumors would be beneficial for clarifying JCPyV carcinogenicity and prevention and treatment for the related cancer.



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