首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学创新》 >负压封闭引流治疗大面积犬咬伤疗效观察




Objective:To observe the efficacy and side effects of vacuum sealing drainage in the treatment of large area of dog bite.Method:Three case of large area of dog bites were treated with vacuum sealing drainage technique,the adverse reaction of treatment and the occurrence of adverse reactions were observed.Result:In 3 patients,2 patients were treated with primary suture of wound 7 days after the operation,1 patient was treated with suture of wound 10 days after the operation,all 3 cases were followed up,1 case of the longest 6 months follow-up,the wound healing was good,skin color,skin temperature,skin elasticity and limb function were normal,no other abnormal reaction,3 cases of bacterial culture before suture no bacterial growth.Conclusion:After vacuum sealing drainage in the treatment of large area of dog bite,the wound granulation fresh,simple treatment,nursing,wound without secondary pollution and infection,is a safe and effective treatment technology for large area of dog bite.%目的:观察负压封闭引流治疗大面积犬咬伤疗效及副作用。方法:对3例大面积犬咬伤患者采用负压封闭引流技术,观察其治疗效果及随访后的不良反应发生情况。结果:3例患者中,2例术后7 d一期缝合创面,1例术后10 d缝合创面。3例全部获得随访,1例最长6个月随访,患者创面皮肤愈合良好,皮色、皮温、皮肤弹性及肢体功能均正常,无并发其他异常反应。3例缝合前创面细菌培养未见细菌生长。结论:负压封闭引流治疗创面肉芽新鲜,治疗、护理简单,创面无再次污染及感染的发生,对大面积犬咬伤是一项安全有效的治疗技术。



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