首页> 中文期刊>医学信息 >论药剂师对患者的用药依从性如何正确引导




Objective To pharmacists how to cor ectly guide the medication compliance of patients is discussed. Methods Randomly selected in our hospital from 2012 August to 2013 October, 60 patients with outpatient medication as the research object, by trained pharmacist medication compliance and influencing factors investigation. Results 60 cases of patients before good medication compliance in 23 cases accounted for 38.3%, poor compliance in 37 cases accounted for 61.7%; after three months the cor ect guidance, according to the results of the survey in 60 patients, good medication compliance in 54 cases accounted for 90%, poor compliance of 6 cases 10%before and after comparison, has evident ef ect to cor ectly guide the pharmacist. Conclusion Pharmacists can improve the compliance of patients through the guide to improve the professional level, the implementation of a medication guide, strengthen communication channels.%目的:针对药剂师如何正确引导患者的用药依从性进行探讨。方法随机选取我院2012年8月~2013年10月门诊用药患者60例作为调查对象,由经过培训的药剂师进行用药依从性与影响因素调查。结果之前60例患者中用药依从性好的为23例占38.3%,依从性差的为37例占61.7%;经过3个月药剂师正确的引导,调查结果显示60例患者中用药依从性好的为54例占90.0%,依从性差的为6例占10.0%,前后对比有药剂师正确引导的效果显效。结论药剂师可通过提高业务水平、实施用药指导、加强沟通等途径改善引导患者用药依从性。



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