首页> 中文期刊> 《肉类研究》 >重组肉加工中黏合剂的应用及研究进展




Meat restructuring technology is the process of regrouping lower-value trimmed meat to improve the quality and value of products. Binders have a macromolecular structure that has the capacity to form matrices that retain aroma and nutrients and also entrap large amounts of water in such a manner that exudation is prevented. They are used to bind water and fat to stabilize meat emulsions in ground meat products. This paper reviews recent progress in the mechanism and application of different kinds of binders (calcium alginate, transglutaminase, ifbrinogen, food gum and so on) in restructured meat processing, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for further research on restructured meat production.%肉的重组技术是指将低成本的小块碎肉整合起来,从而提高产品的品质和价值。黏合剂在重组肉制品中起主要作用,其原理是可以形成三维网状结构,这种结构可以阻止肉制品中的风味、营养及水分的流失。黏合计也可以作为重组肉制品中水分和脂肪的乳化剂。本文主要介绍了近几年不同种黏合剂(如海藻酸钙盐、转谷氨酰胺酶、纤维蛋白原、食用胶等)在重组肉中的应用原理及研究进展,以其为后续研究提供理论依据。



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