首页> 中文期刊> 《机械与电子》 >列车车载式超偏载检测系统的设计




In view of the safety of current rapid rail freight in the background,this paper designs a ve-hicle unbalanced load detection system,used to de-tect whether the train load is overloaded or unbal-anced and alarm timely.Weight detection module of this system is based on MC9S12DG128,and it acquires the four air spring pressure under the car-riage,sends the data to the gateway.The gateway is based on Cortex A8 platform,it converts the protocol and transmits the data to the upper moni-tor,the upper monitor can calculate the carriage load according to the load characteristics of the air spring.Experiments show that the system can re-alize the train overload and unbalanced load detec-tion,which has practical significance and applica-tion value to promote the rapid development of the railway freight.%针对当前快速铁路货运安全行车的背景,设计了一种车载式超偏载检测系统,用于检测列车是否发生超偏载并及时报警。该系统的配重检测模块基于 MC9S12DG128设计,检测每列车体前后2个转向架上的空气弹簧压力,通过串口将数据传送给车载网关,车载网关基于 Cortex A8平台设计,实现协议转换,通过以太网将数据传送给上位机,上位机根据空气弹簧的气压负载特性,计算出车厢载重情况。试验证明,该系统能够实现列车的超偏载检测,对推进快速铁路货运发展具有实际意义和应用价值。



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