首页> 中文期刊>华文文学 >在台湾文学史知识序列的建构中--论日据台湾日语文学创作与文学归属问题




在固有的台湾文学史认知中,对日据台湾作家的日语创作进入“台湾文学”学科知识体系的过程以及悦纳依据,学术史的分析尚不够充分。通过梳理日据台湾日语创作在台湾文学史中的接受史认知问题,以及和韩国文学史中对日据朝鲜作家日语文学创作由疏离到接受的迂回式文学史接受情况进行对比分析,则可以发现两地文学史叙述中,对这部分用日语来进行书写的文学遗产不同的处理手法,展示出了文学场域内复杂生态系统对文学史认知的搭建功能。%No full analysis has been conducted of the academic history in the cognizance of a fixed literary history of Taiwan in relation to the process in which writings in Japanese by Taiwanese writers in the Japanese Occupation Era entered into the knowledge system in the discipline of‘Taiwan Literature’. The function of building in gaining knowledge of literary history through the complex ecological system in the literary site is revealed by combing through the issues of the cognizance of the history of reception of Japanese writings in Japan-occupied Taiwan and by comparatively analyzing the history of circuitous reception of the Japanese writings by Korean writers in Japan-occupied Korea from its alienation to acceptance, with the result that different methods are found that have been used to deal with this part of the literary heritage written in Japanese in the narration of literary histories in both Taiwan and mainland China.



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