首页> 中文期刊>华文文学 >18世纪法国传教士汉学家对《诗经》的译介与研究--以马若瑟、白晋、韩国英为例




The transmission westward of Chinese classical poetry into France and Europe benefited from the translation and introduction by the missionary sinologists in the 18th century who were knowledgeable about and versed in both the Chinese language and literature. This article, with the translated version of The Book of Odes and Hymns, by Jesuit missionaries who came to China such as Joseph Marie de Prémare(1666-1735), Joachim Bouvet(1656-1730)and Pierre-Martial Cibot (1727-1780), conducts an analysis of and reading into the translated version and finds how the success of the translation was affected by the evangelical tenets of the translators in the initial period in which The Book of Odes and Hymns found its way westward to France(Europe)as well as the characteristics of how Chinese poetry(and literature)developed along with the generative development of the missionary sinologists in the 18 th century as it spread westward to France and Europe.%中国古典诗歌西传法国和欧洲,得益于18世纪知识渊博、汉学水平、文学造诣俱佳的传教士汉学家率先译介与引进。本文仅以来华耶稣会士马若瑟(Joseph Marie de Prémare,1666-1735)、白晋(Joachim Bouvet,1656-1730)、韩国英(Pierre-Martial Cibot,1727-1780)神父译介《诗经》为例,对其诗译文本进行举证考析、解读,便可见出,《诗经》西渐法国(欧洲)初期,如何受制于译介者的传教布道的宗旨而形成其诗译的成败得失,以及中国诗歌(文学)西传法国和欧洲旅程中如何伴随18世纪传教士汉学的生成、发展而发展的某些特点。



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