首页> 中文期刊>图书馆 >从“社区的灵魂”到“虚拟社区的灵魂”*--图书馆学社区研究中的概念缺陷、危机与求解




文章从分析“社区”的基础概念入手,指出图书馆学的社区概念具有微观视野的限制,使得社区研究体系中缺乏中层理论的构建,这使得图书馆学的社区研究内容缺乏足够宽泛的可适用性,并引致了实体社区中创新型项目目标管理的混乱,虚拟社区中图书馆2.0浪潮的失利和图书馆的生存危机。在此基础上,文章从中层理论的构建出发,讨论图书馆在社区中帮助民众重塑理性而丰富的精神世界与公共社交空间的可能性,并进一步阐述了图书馆在社区运作中的两个核心策略:社区项目式运作和平台级应用的合作介入。%The article starts with analysis of a basic concept “community” and points out that this concept has its limit of narrow vision, which causes the lack of the theory of middle range in library science.The community study in library science holds less applicability than other research area, which leads to the chaos in goal -management of creative programs in offline communi-ty, the failure of Library 2.0 and survival crisis of library in virtual community.To solve these problems, article discusses the possi-bility of establishing a theory of middle range in library science and how could library help dwellers rebuild their spirit world and public social space.Two core strategies are also explored: project -based operation in offline community and cooperation in plat-form -class application in virtual community.



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