首页> 中文期刊> 《图书馆理论与实践》 >高校图书馆学科服务用户需求调查分析--以中国人民大学读者为例




为了解信息时代新形势下读者对图书馆学科服务的实际需求及服务中存在的问题,提供更有针对性和个性化的服务,本次调查采用问卷与访谈相结合的方法,以院系为单位,深入用户内部,分层次进行走访及问卷调查,了解不同用户群体具体的学科服务需求。调研结果表明:不同身份的读者由于年龄、查找资料的习惯和科研参与程度的不同对学科服务需求不同,明确了不同层次用户学科服务的实际需求,可以使学科服务工作有的放矢;学科服务要立足本馆实际,重视基础工作和传统学科服务内容,使其朝精细化与个性化方向发展。%In order to provide more targeted and personalized services, the users’ actual needs and problems should be found out under the new situation in the information age. By applying questionnaire and interview, we try to find out the specific needs of dif-ferent level users through visiting and questionnaires to different level users as a unit of the Department. The results to be proved through the investigation:1.there are different demands for users of subject services at different levels due to the ages, the habits of finding information and research participation in different degrees. If we would make clear the actual needs of users at different levels, we could make a definite object in subject services;2. According to the actual situation, we should pay attention to the basic work and the traditional contents of subject services. Then the subject services can be developed in direction to refinement and personalization.



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