首页> 中文期刊> 《周口师范学院学报》 >传统教学与现代多媒体教学在生物学教学中的应用




传统教学和多媒体教学为现今教育领域中两种主要教学方式,各有千秋.探索如何在教学中使之优势互补,摸索两者之间最佳的切合点,建立一套符合现代教育理念、现代教育方式的新型教学手段或教学模式是目前教育教学改革的热点之一.结合多年的教学经验,论述了两种教学方式的优缺点,探讨了如何把两种教学方法在生物学教学中有机地结合起来,尽最大限度地发挥其优势,提高生物学教学质量.%Traditional teaching and multimedia teaching has become the two main teaching methods in the present field of education. In terms of advantages and disadvantages of both methods, and exploring how to make it strengths in the biology teaching, and exploring the best of meet point between the two, establishing a set of new teaching means or the teaching model in line with the concept of modern education, modern education, is one of the focuses of education reform. Combined with years of teaching experience, this paper discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the two teaching methods and explored how to combine the two educational methods in biology teaching, to maximize their advantage as much as possible, and enhance the quality of biological teaching.



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