首页> 中文期刊> 《镇江高专学报》 >高校图书馆开展地方文献资源建设工作探析




地方文献是一种独特的文献资源,具有地域性、多样性,是高校图书馆服务社会发展、推进文化传承创新的重要文献保障。切实做好地方文献资源建设工作,可以提升高校图书馆的核心服务能力,实现高校图书馆可持续发展。%Local documents as a kind of unique document resources occupy a special position in the collection sys -tem in university libraries , which provide resource support to develop characteristic service and improve ability of information service .The regional characteristics and diversities of local document provide important document secu -rity through which university libraries serve the economic and social development and promote the cultural inherit -ance and innovation .University libraries'effective construction of document resources can promote their core service ability based on local characteristics of the document information resources , which will assist university libraries in sustainable development in the face of the challenges of informatization , automation, digitization, diversification in today's society .



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