首页> 中文期刊>浙江树人大学学报 >后危机时代外贸发展方式转变研究:浙江金华实证




By analyzing the current situation and difficulties in the development of international trade in Jinhua , it concludes that for transforming foreign trade mode, it needs take the transitional paths from export -oriented to balanced import and export type , from focusing on development speed to both quantity and quality , and from extensive to intensive development .At the same time, it proposes that in order to change the mode of foreign trade development the Yiwu pilot scheme needs to be used for constructing regional cooperation systems , optimizing export product structure to improve industries 'self innovation capability, optimizing mar-ket structure to promote the diversified market strategy , developing service trade, and optimizing trading environment to reduce the risk of foreign trade.%  通过对后危机时代金华外贸发展面临的现状和困难分析,外贸发展方式的转变路径应当由目前的出口导向型转变为进出口均衡型,由注重发展速度向量质并重转变,由粗放型发展向集约型发展转变。同时提出要转变外贸发展方式,必须利用义乌试点,构筑区域协作体系;优化出口产品结构,提高企业自主创新能力;优化市场结构,推行多元化市场战略;发展服务外包产业,加快服务贸易发展;优化外贸环境,降低外贸经营风险。



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