首页> 中文期刊>浙江中医药大学学报 >康复新液不同用药时间在儿童耳前瘘管换药中的疗效观察




[Objiective] To explore the use of time and effectiveness of Kangfuxin liquid in the treatment of children with preauricular fistula infection. Methods] To observe the effect of Kangfuxin liquid in the treatment of preauricular fistula in different time of onset with different medication time .146 :ases were randomly divided into the initial infection and the onset time in 7 days group and the initial infection but onset time is more than 7days or epeated infection group. Normal saline as a control. (Results] l.In the nitial infection and the onset in 7 days group, 92.31% patients healing by first intention f the medication time is less than 5 days, 52.94% patients healing by first intention if the medication time is more than 5 days, 91.3% patients healing by first mention in the control group. 2. In the group which the patiens' disease is more than 7days or of repeated infection, 90.63% patients healing by first intention f the medication time is less than 5 days, 52.38% patients healing by first intention if the medication time is more than 5 days, 51.85% patients healing by first mention in the control group. [Conclusion] External application with Kangfuxin liquid in less than 5 days is quite effctive in healing with children's ireauricular fistula infection.But if the treatment time with Kangfuxin liquid is more than 5days, it may lead to granulation excessive growth and delayed vound healing. The treatment time should be based on the infection time.%[目的]探讨用康复新液外敷治疗儿童耳前瘘管感染的使用时间及效果.[方法]146例患者随机分为初次感染且发病时间在7天内组和初次感染发病时间在7天以上或多次反复感染组两组,以观察康复新液在不同用药时间对不同发病时间耳前瘘管感染的治疗效果,并以使用生理盐水换药作为对照.[结果]初次感染且发病7天内组中,用药时间<5天者Ⅰ期愈合率92.31%,用药时间>5天者Ⅰ期愈合率52.94%,对照组Ⅰ期愈合率91.30%.发病7天以上或多次反复感染组中用药时间<5天者Ⅰ期愈合率90.63%,用药时间>5天者Ⅰ期愈合率52.38%,对照组痊Ⅰ期愈合率51.85%.[结论]康复新液冲洗和外敷用药时间在5天内对治疗儿童耳前瘘管感染有显著疗效,但用药时间超过5天容易引起肉芽过度生长使伤口延迟愈合.临床上应根据耳前瘘管不同的感染时间而选择康复新不同的使用时间.



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