首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江中医药大学学报》 >浙江花鸟岛药用维管植物资源及其多样性研究




[目的]对花鸟岛药用维管植物资源现状及其多样性进行调查研究.[方法]采用野外样地、样线调查、标本采集及文献资料查阅相结合的方法,对花鸟岛药用植物资源进行统计,并对药用植物资源的种类、生活型、科属构成、区系组成、药用部位和功效的多样性进行系统的研究.[结果]花鸟岛共有药用维管植物114科304属435种,其中蕨类植物15科21属24种,裸子植物5科6属7种,被子植物94科277属404种.生活型以草本植物和灌木为主,乔木和藤本植物较少;科属构成上,优势科、属较显著,优势科为菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、百合科等,优势属为蓼属、景天属、蔷薇属、悬钩子属、蒿属等;区系成分复杂多样,以热带成分为主,泛热带、北温带以及世界广布类型构成本区药用植物区系的主体;从药用部位来看,全草类植物比例最高,其次是根和根茎类;从药用功效上看,以清热、祛风湿、利水渗湿和活血化瘀类药用植物居多.[结论]花鸟岛药用维管植物资源丰富、生物多样,值得进一步对其保护与开发利用.%[Objective] This study was to investigate and analyze the status and diversity of medical vascular resource plant on Hua Niao Island.[Method] This study systematically investigated the medical resource plant and their diversity including species,life types,families,genera,areal-types,medicinal parts and effects of Hua Niao Island based on field work,sample collection and literature search.[Result] The resuhs showed that there was a total of 435 medicinal vascular species belonging to 304 genera and 114 families,among which ferns had 15 families,21 genera and 24 species;gymnosperms had 5 families,6 genera and 7 species;and angiosperms had 94 families,277 genera and 404 species.In different life types,herbs and shrubs were two dominant medicinal plants in Hua Niao Island,trees and lianas were less.Dominant families were from Compositae,Gramineae,Fabaceae,Rosaceae,Liliaceae.Polygonum,Sedum,Rosa,Rubus,Artemisia were the dominant genera.The complex and varied areal-types were mainly of tropic elements.The regions of pantropic,north temperate and widespread constituted the main medicinal flora of the area.From the perspective of plant parts used as medicinal materials,herba,radix and rhizoma were the mostly used.By medicinal function classification,the drugs of antipyretics,rheumatism,removing dampness and promoting diuresis,blood-activating and stasis-eliminating were the main types.[Conclusion]This paper analyzed the status and diversity of medical vascular resource plant on Hua Niao Island,and proposed the suggestions that how to protect and utilize it.



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