首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江工商职业技术学院学报》 >浅析高职院校实行大类招生的优势、问题及其解决措施——基于浙江工商职业技术学院的大类招生调研




大类招生是当前高职院校培养创新型人才的发展趋势。作为高职教育发展以适应社会经济发展需求的一种教育改革新举措,高职院校大类招生模式尚处于初级实践探索阶段。正处在发展和积累经验时期,还没有建立相对完善、成熟的体系,不可避免地存在诸多思想指导和实践操作上的问题亟待研究解决。基于对浙江工商职业技术学院大类专业招生学生的问卷调查分析与研究,本文重点解析了高职大类招生模式的优缺点,并结合浙江工商职业技术学院大类招生改革实践经验,提出了几点改进措施,以期对我国高职院校进一步开展大类招生模式的改革提供具有实践意义的决策(或方案)参考建议。%General enrollment is development trend of present higher vocational colleges in cultivating innovative talents. As a new education reform measure for meeting social economy development demand, the general enrollment mode of higher vocational colleges is still at primary practice and exploration stage and is accumulating experiences. There is still no relatively consummate and mature system. Many problems in theoretical guidance and practice still need solutions. Based on questionnaire analysis and research on general enrollment of Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, the paper mainly studies the advantages and disadvantages of general enrollment of higher vocational colleges and raises several amelioration measures, so as to provide suggestions for reform of general enrollment mode of Chinese higher vocational colleges.



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