首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >社区、民族与建设:民国边疆社会研究的三重视野




近代中国边疆研究的社会科学化主要是社会学、人类学、民族学等学科共同努力的结果,并植根于近代中国西学东渐的历史大背景.文章在系统梳理民国时期边疆社会研究学术脉络的基础上,认为民国边疆研究的知识生产和社会实践在兼顾学术和应用的基础上形成了边疆研究的三重视野:即以社区研究来深入剖析一个典型的民族社区的内部结构和功能;以详实的田野考察来探究民族文化的不同形态;以及对边疆社会工作和社会建设的应用实践.%The academic turn of Chinese borderland studies towards social sciences in early modern China was mainly the result of the joint efforts of sociology,anthropology,ethnology and other disciplines, and was rooted in the historical background of the introduction of Western learning to early modern China.The process of knowledge production and social practice in the borderland studies of the Republic of China was mainly based on the three horizons of sociology,anthropology and ethnology with an emphasis on the academic research and its application,that is,an incisive analysis of the internal structure and functions of a typical ethnic community,a down-to-earth field investigation of the different forms of ethnic cultures,and the practical social work and social construction in the border areas.



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