首页> 中文期刊>云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >扩招背景下家庭对教育平等影响的演变




1999年高校扩招以来,高等教育不平等是否扩大引起社会的关注与学界的讨论。基于2011年中国社会状况综合调查(CSS)数据的分析发现,高校扩招对于促进高等教育平等有着积极的意义,弱化了家庭文化再生产机制与家庭权力资源转化机制对高等教育不平等的影响。但是,在高校扩招过程中,由于受到教育市场化的冲击,高校新生录取标准中出现更有利于富裕家庭子女获得高等教育入学机会的现象,这使得家庭财富资源转化机制对高等教育不平等的影响出现强化,这有违教育公平。然而不能将录取标准中出现的问题与扩大招生规模相混淆,这是两类性质不同的问题。本文研究表明,扩招背景下进一步促进高等教育平等的重点,在于规范高校新生录取标准,相关政策重心则是进一步弱化家庭财富不平等对教育机会获得的影响。%Since the enrollment expansion of Chinese colleges in 1 999,whether higher education in-equity expands has caused much social concern and discussion.Based on the data of CGSS in 201 1, this research has proved that the enrollment expansion of Chinese colleges has some positive impact on promoting the higher education equity,thus weakening the influence of higher education inequity caused by the reproduction mechanism of family culture and the transformation mechanism of family power resources.However,in the process of reforming the college enrollment,due to the marketiza-tion of education,the admission criterion is more advantageous to the children in the wealthy families. This makes the transformation mechanism of household wealth resources continue to strengthen the higher education equity,which goes against fairness in education.However,the problems of the ad-mission standards are the same as the problems related to the enrollment expansion.This paper con-cludes that promoting higher education equity against the background of the enrollment expansion should focus on standardizing the college admission criteria while the relevant policy should aim to re-duce the influence of household wealth inequity.



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