首页> 中文期刊>云南农业大学学报 >津巴布韦引进烤烟品种与云南主栽品种叶片的比较解剖研究




Using the method of slides observation under microscope, this study was conduced to investigate the anatomical structure of the mature fresh leaves from upper, middle and lower stalk positions of four flue-cured tobacco cultivars from Zimbabwe KRK22, KRK23, KRK26, T29 and two varieties K326, Hongda cultivated in Yunnan. The results showed that the dissecting features of KRK26 from Zimbabwe had well-developed mesophyll cell, better arrangement, medium intercellular, leaf thickness , the thickness ratio of palisade to spongy was equal to cultivars of Yunnan. Compared with cultivars of Yunnan, the palisade cell size and cell number of KRK23, 129 were decreased and intercellular was increased, leaf thickness, and its thickness ratio of palisade to spongy and other anatomical parameters were lower. Although the leaf thickness and the thickness ratio of palisade to spongy of KRK22 were higher than cultivars of Yunnan, its intercellular was large, and leaf structure was looser,the palisade cell was disintegrated in the lower leaves. With the rising of the stalk positions, the palisade tissue thickness, the thickness ratio of palisade to spongy, the thickness ratio of palisade to leaf, palisade tissue cell density were increased, and the intercellular of spongy was decreased, the thickest leaf thickness was the upper leaves and thinnest thickness was the middle leaves.%采用显微制片法研究了种植于玉溪地区的4个津巴布韦引进烤烟品种KRK22,KRK23,KRK26,T29和2个云南主栽品种K326、红花大金元上、中、下3个部位成熟期叶片的解剖结构.结果表明:(1)津巴布韦引进品种KRK26的叶肉细胞发育良好、排列整齐、细胞间隙适中,和云南主栽品种表现一致,叶片厚度、栅栏组织厚、组织比也接近于云南主栽品种.KRK23,T29和主栽品种相比,栅栏组织细胞体积变小,叶肉细胞间隙增大,细胞数量减小,且叶片厚度、组织比等解剖参数均小于云南主栽品种.KRK22虽然叶厚、组织比等解剖参数较主栽品种大,但细胞呈松散状、排列极疏松、间隙极大,在下部叶已可见细胞解体现象.(2)部位间叶片解剖特征比较可见:栅栏组织厚度、组织比、栅叶比、栅栏组织细胞间隙度随着部位的升高而增加;海绵组织间隙度则随着部位的升高而减小,叶片厚度表现为上部叶最厚、中部叶最薄.



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