首页> 中文期刊>云梦学刊 >黎锦熙口语教学思想剖析




真正意义上的口语教学进入语文课纲是在1923年,此前十来年间,已有少数几位学者探讨过口语教学的重要性,黎锦熙就是其中一位。黎锦熙对于口语教学不仅关注得早、较成系统,而且颇有些真知灼见。其中。口语应当有独立地位而不仅仅是作文的附庸,偏远方言区标准语教学可以先不管四声与腔调,白话文教学应设置多个听力训练环节且进行有区分的朗读,小学口语教学必须营造鲜活情境等,对于今天的口语教学和普通话推广仍有很强的借鉴意义。%It was year of 1923 that real teaching method of oral language entered language lesson outline. Over ten years ago, there were few education researchers who already started to discuss about it, Li Jinxi was one of them. Li Jinxi not only paid attention to oral language early at that time, but also formed his own system. His system included that oral language was not just the branch of written language, it should have its own independence, teaching method of standard language should comply with specific area. The area with heavy accent could ignore four tongues and tone first. During Vernacular teaching should set up quite few hearing practices; it also could read loud distinctly, oral language must be taught in an interesting or exciting environment during primary years. All of above were great examples from his teaching system, it is still very valuable and worth to be studied for the modem days teaching method of oral language, it will help popularizing standard language as well.



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