首页> 中文期刊> 《云梦学刊》 >《离骚》本草说故里——关于屈原出生地的另类臆断




屈原故里是研究屈原的诸多学术争执中一个常见的话题。关于屈原的故里,最早记载屈原生平事件的《史记·屈原贾生列传》没有文字的记载,后人普遍认为秭归是屈原的故里,及后又有江陵说、奉节说、临湘说、汉寿说等诸多说法。如果从屈原代表作《离骚》中所描写的本草来考察其故里,则会发现,在人们对屈原故里的诸多判断中,秭归说应该是最为合理和科学的。%The birthplace of Qu Yuan is a common academic dispute in the study of Qu Yuan. For Qu Yuan's birthplace, there is no record in Biography of Qu Yuan in Records of Historian, the earliest record of Qu Yuan. It is universally recognized that Zigui is Qu Yuan's birthplace. Later, there are such views of his birthplace as Jiangling, Fengjie, Linxiang, Hanshou, etc. If it is inspected from the herbs described in his masterpiece, Lisao, it is not difficult to find out that Zigni is the most reasonable and scientific one.



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