首页> 中文期刊>盐城工学院学报(社会科学版) >江苏城市旅游产业竞争力测度与分析




选取产业效率性因素、产业基础性因素和产业支持性因素对应13个指标。利用熵值法确定指标权重,构建了城市旅游产业竞争力评价指标体系,并对江苏13个城市的旅游产业竞争力进行了定量评价。结果表明,江苏城市旅游产业竞争力等级水平明显,苏州和南京位居第一层次;各层级竞争力城市的竞争要素呈梯状分布;城市旅游产业竞争力与入境旅游人数、国际旅游收入、A级景区数量等指标的空间格局具有较强的相似性。%This paper, selecting the industrial effectual factor, industrial fundamental factor and industrial supportive factor in correspondence to 13 indexes whose weight is figured with the introduction of entropy method, has constructed the system of the competiveness evaluation index of the urban tourism and conducted a quantitative evaluation on the tourism eompetiveness of the 13 cities in Jiangsu province. The result shows that: 1 ) the level of the competiveness of urban tourism in Jiangsu province is clearly classified; 2) the factors of competiveness could be distributed in a ladder- shaped way; 3) the spatial pattem of the competiveness of urban tourism has much resemblance with those of international tourist arrivals, international tourism income, and quantity of A - rank scenic sites.



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