首页> 中文期刊>延安职业技术学院学报 >以晋商精神提升大学生诚信观初探




目前大学生诚信教育面临困境,而晋商影响中国近代百余年,诚信是其精神本质的体现,如何以晋商精神提升大学生诚信观是本文探讨的问题。本文从分析晋商精神实质入手,讨论了大学生诚信观出现问题的原因,阐明了晋商精神对于提升大学生诚信观的意义,并希望找到以晋商精神提升大学生诚信观的有效途径,以此实现大学生诚信观提升的目的。%Integrity at present college students ’ honesty education is facing predicament. Shanxi Businessmen have affected modern China for more than hundred years. The good faith is the embodiment of the essence of the spirit of Shanxi businessmen. How to improve college students ’ honesty in the spirit is discussed in this paper. This article obtains from the analysis of Jin merchants’ spirit, and discusses the reason for the college students’ concept of integrity problems, inlustrates the significance of Jin merchants’ spirit and hope to find the effective ways to improve college students’ concept of good faith, in order to realize the concept of college students ’ honesty promotion purpose.



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