首页> 中文期刊>徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版) >夫余和高句丽神话传说与族源考




Fuyu and Gaogouli was a group of Yin people who moved to the north during the late Shang Dynasty. Since they settled to the north of Mount. Fuyu, they were called the north Fuyu or the north Fuyu Gaogouli. The group was further divided into four groups, and the north group worshiped god Yu- qiang, who resembles the figure of Huangdi. So they claimed to be descendants of from Huangdi. After the conquest of King Mu of Zhou Dynasty, the Gaogouli people began to worship King Mu as their ances- tor due to the conqueror placatory policies. What they called King Zoumu was actually King Mu, who was also called Great Good king. Therefore, the legends from Han Dynasty to Ming Dynasty all follow the same pattern: descendents of Huangdi, coming from Shang, growing up in Zhou.%夫余高句丽是殷商末期北上的殷人的一支,居住在夫余(附禺、鲋鱼)山北,因此称为北夫余或者北夫余高句丽。以禺为中心分为四方附禺,北附禺信奉的神祗为禺强,神形和黄帝相似,因此高句丽认为自己出自传说中的黄帝。周穆王北征,对附禺采取怀柔亲和政策,因此高句丽尊为始祖,邹牟王就是周穆王,也叫好大王。所以,从汉代到明代关于高句丽的神话传说始终都是黄帝子孙、出自殷商、成长在周这样的组合方式与表达路径。



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