首页> 中文期刊>新疆大学学报(哲学·人文社会科学版) >认识悲剧与否定悲剧-雷蒙·威廉斯革命悲剧观论析∗




To Williams, revolution is a complicated, holistic behavior in real situations. To real revolu-tionary acts, only responses are not enough. For they are easy to fall into the pattern of ”existing tragedy ideology”. To avoid this, a protection mechanism must be established to escape the revolution. To un-derstand the revolution from the tragic point of view is in fact to establish an effective linkage mechanism between the tragic experience, understanding and action, and to take a positive attitude to face the tragedy, recognize the tragedy and negate the tragedy in real actions. Compared with the classical discourse of Marx and Engels, Williams’ exposition of the revolutionary tragedy has been significantly modified and expanded in the connotation and extension of the revolutionary tragedy, but there are some areas deserving further discussion.%威廉斯认为革命是真实情景中复杂的、整体的行动。对于真实的革命行动,简单的反应是不够的,容易陷入“既有悲剧意识形态”的窠臼,从而建立一套逃避革命的保护机制。从悲剧性的角度理解革命,实际就是要在悲剧性感受、认识与行动之间建立有效的联动机制,以积极的姿态直面悲剧、认识悲剧用真实的行动否定悲剧。与马克思、恩格斯的经典论述相比,威廉斯关于革命悲剧的论述明显修改、扩充了革命悲剧的内涵与外延,但也存在一些值得商榷的地方。



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