首页> 中文期刊>西昌学院学报(社会科学版) >少数民族习惯法在基层民族区域自治地方的司法适用探析




在中国众多基层民族自治地方的民间社会生活中普遍存在着习惯法的适用问题。甚至在基层人民法院,特别是派出法庭在解决纠纷中也往往会涉及到习惯法的司法适用问题。这种适用在一定程度上冲击和解构了国家的统一法治建设进程。因此,如何在不违背中国大陆法系国家传统的情况之下,寻求妥当解决途径,为“良性习惯法”在基层法院的司法适用寻找到合适的国家制度化路径,以达到“法”与“理”的有机统一,促进基层民族地区习惯法向国家法的归化,对于基层民族地区统一法治建设具有特别重要的理论和现实意义。%There existed already a widespread problem of the judicial practice in the civil society of China’ grass-roots minority areas. Even in the basic People's Court, especially the dispatched tribune there is generally involved in the adaptive problem on the minority customary laws when judges deal with the disputes. Moreover, this kind of application impacts and disrupts the process of the unity of China’s legal construction to a certain extent. Therefore, it specially has the important theoretical and practical significance for the minority unified legal construction, for example, how to find out appropriate solutions under no violation of China’s traditional mainland legal system. Based on the research, its purpose is mainly to seek out the right institutionalization method for the“benign customary laws”in the grass-roots courts’judicial practice, realize the organic unity between“law”and“reason”. All the solutions and researches are conducive to promote the state naturalization of minority customary laws.



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