首页> 中文期刊> 《湘南学院学报》 >高校辅导员QWL调查及核心诉求实证分析--以安徽省为例




通过对高校辅导员的工作生活质量现状的问卷调查及数据分析,得出结果:影响高校辅导员工作生活质量的因素主要包括职称晋升、才能实现、工资福利、职业声望以及领导管理水平等方面的需求;并结合访谈作定性分析得出结论:在辅导员基本诉求、核心诉求和激励性诉求中,当下最要紧的是满足其核心诉求。在新的时期,由于多种因素的作用,辅导员的社会道德观念在很大程度上产生了重构,在注重敬业奉献的同时勇于追求个人的职业幸福已成为当代高校辅导员价值选择的根本向度。%Based on the questionnaire of the quality of work and life of college counselors and data anal-ysis, the results show that the main factors influence college counselors life and work quality are their appeal for professional title promotion, ability implementation, wages and benefits, occupation reputation and lead-ing level,etc. And combined with the interview with them, some conclusion are gained: in the midst of counselor appeals, core appeal is the urgent rather than basic and encouragement appeals. In the new era, the social moral perception of the counselors to some extent become reconstruction while in their devotion and contribution the current college students counselors value choice is to pursue their personal occupational hap-piness.



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