首页> 中文期刊> 《厦门理工学院学报 》 >罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌中的进化思想




Based on a close reading of Robert Frost’s poetry, this paper endeavors to reveal its evolutionary thought. With scientific understanding of the world, Frost came out with solid comprehension of the rules in the outside world. To him, science and life were an organic whole;man could not confront the world but adapt to it and accept it as it is so that he could keep moving onward and upward. Frost adopted a pragmatic attitude towards religious topics and presented them in a de-sanctifying manner. His poetic writing, including its thematic and formalistic approaches, can be regarded as a case of evolution in Anglo-American literary tradition.%弗罗斯特并不盲目相信进化观,他在诗歌创作中对于进化观的思考,主要体现在日常生活、科学与宗教、自然世界与人类世界等主题的作品中。于弗罗斯特而言,由于有了对世界的科学认知,外在世界变得有规律可循,科学与日常生活是融合为一体的。他认为科技的发展未必总能真正提升人对于世界的理解,时间的变迁也不总是意味着由低等向高等的进步;人不应对抗自然,而应坦然接受自然法则,适应环境,顺势而为,并不断取得进步;对待宗教化的题材,他采取实用主义的态度,理性地审视观照对象,并以去神圣化的手法加以表现。弗罗斯特对于诗歌主题及表现方式的选择,亦是进化思想在英美文学传统中的体现。



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