首页> 中文期刊> 《西安文理学院学报(社会科学版) 》 >先秦方位礼仪蕴含传统文化解析




中国自古就是礼仪之邦, 最早可以追溯到周公"制礼作乐", 到了先秦, 已经建立起一套完备的仪礼制度.礼仪渗透到古人生活的方方面面, 在待人接物、为人处事上严格遵循, 形成律己、敬人的一种行为规范.朝堂方位座次和非朝堂方位座次, 是古人维护道德礼仪、纲纪伦常, 确定君臣之礼、宾主之礼, 彰显尊卑差异的重要礼仪.在不同的配位格局中, 东西、左右尊卑各不相同, 从表象上看互相矛盾, 实际上是与中国古代自然方位崇拜、古代居所的营建以及社会生活方式等诸多因素相互配合的结果, 可见前秦时代遵守的体现上下尊卑的方位礼, 实际上是在先民们长期的生产生活实践中形成的文化产物.%China is acknowledged as a land of courtesy and its origin can be traced back to The Duke of Zhou's ritual music. In the Pre-Qin period, a complete set of religious ritual system was established, which regulates every aspect of people's life, such as greeting and socializing with people. The etiquette system was characterized by being respectful to others, and being strict with oneself. The order of seats was the most significant etiquette, which is a significant reflection of morality and amenity to establish the status of different people. East and west, and left and right are regarded as different in terms of superior and inferior, which is seemingly contradictory. In effect, it is produced by a complicated interaction of direction worship, house-building, and their social life. It is confirmed that direction etiquette of Pre-Qin period could demonstrate the superiors and inferiors, which is the cultural essence produced by ancient people in their daily life.



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