首页> 中文期刊> 《西安工程大学学报》 >《暴风雨》中普罗斯珀罗的微观权利




结合米歇尔·福柯的微观权力理论,分析了莎士比亚戏剧《暴风雨》中普罗斯珀罗对于爱利尔和凯利班以及米兰达和佛迪南德等其他主要角色的微观权力关系.在分析其建设性或者压抑性性质的基础上,点明其性质与情节发展的关系,指出人与人之间建设性微观权力关系有利于彼此友好和谐相处,反之,人与人之间压抑性微观权力关系必然导致仇恨与对立.%Based on Michel Foucault's analysis of power, the paper takes Shakespeare's The Tempest as its focus and intends to probe into Prospero's power over other main characters according to Foucault's notion of interpersonal or micro power with its repressive or productive nature. Due to different natures of his power over his two servants, Ariel and Caliban respond in different manners that lead to different plots. The paper draws the conclusion that the relationship between individuals can correspondingly take on thoroughly distinct looks due to the nature of the interpersonal or micro power. A positive and productive power is liable to bring about harmonious and friendly and reciprocal relationships whereas a negative and repressive power is doomed to fury and hatred and rebellion.



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