首页> 中文期刊>梧州学院学报 >论广西民族地区社会主义核心价值体系大众化的路径选择




开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育是一项复杂的系统工程,不仅需要政府主导和社会各界参与,更重要的是要根据不同对象和环境等特点采取相应的方法途径,才能收到良好效果。广西民族地区具有特殊的自然环境和独特的民俗宗教文化等特点,因此,如何结合民族地区的特点有效地开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育,使之深入人心,为民族地区经济发展和建设广西民族文化强区提供强大的精神动力和智力支持,是当前广西民族地区各级党和政府不可忽视的重大问题。%To carry out the education of the system of socialist core values is a complex systematic program. In order to achieve better effect, it needs not only governments’guidance and participation of people from all lines of our society but also selection of corresponding methods according to different objects and environments. Since the ethnic minority areas of Guangxi have their special natural environ-ments and peculiar ethnic and religious cultures, how to effectively carry out the education of the system of socialist core values according to the characteristics of the ethnic minority areas so as to make it popularized and provide strong spiritural power and intellective support for the economic development of the ethnic minority areas and the construction of a strong ethnic cultural region of Guangxi is an important is-sue which can not be ignored by the party committees and governments at all levels in ethnic minority areas of Guangxi.



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