首页> 中文期刊> 《无锡职业技术学院学报》 >高职院校大学生心理健康状况调查与对策分析




In-depth understanding of the mental health of a vocational and technical College,we took a self questionnaire of "mental health of students' mental health survey "of 2000 sophomore and junior at the college.The results show that the students of the college mental health as a whole in good condition,nearly half of the students think that the reality and the ideal gap;induce students' psychological problems,mainly due to: life on the development and career choice difficulties and self-management skills.Schools can learn from the higher education services student satisfaction studies are needed to address the students satisfied with the present situation;help students to establish career aspirations to find the motivation,and direction to improve the effectiveness of mental health education through various forms.%为了深入了解某高职院校大学生心理健康状况,我们自编"大学生心理健康状况调查问卷",对该校2000名在校二、三年级大学生进行心理健康调查,结果显示该校学生心理健康整体状况良好,近一半的同学认为现实与理想存在差距;而学生心理压力的主要原因为:人生发展与职业选择上有困难和自我管理能力不强。学校可以借鉴高校教育服务学生满意度方面研究来解决学生对现实不满状况,帮助学生确立职业理想,找到学习方向与动力,通过多种形式方法提高心理健康教育有效性。



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