首页> 中文期刊>武陵学刊 >略论元诗“宗唐得古”说的理论可能--以语义学分析为线索




“宗唐得古”是元诗的基本特征之一,但这种后来的归纳与认定却被过度引申。客观史料和语义学的分析证明:元诗“宗唐得古”说的理论引申必须得到限制,它只能在“陈述”与“总结”的基础上被理解;元诗的理论口号与实践间存在巨大差异,由口号上的“宗唐”得出元诗“反宋”的引申并不能成立;元代诗风的建立在很大程度上也是一个官方“雅正”诗风建立的过程,元人自身的陈述既剖明又遮蔽了历史。%“Zong Tang De Gu” (i.e., following the tradition of Tang dynasty and the ancient times) is one of the essential characteristics of Yuan Poetry. However, it is overextended by later scholars. Historical materials and se-mantic analysis show: It is necessary to limit the theoretical extension of the “Zong Tang De Gu” theory, which can only be interpreted on the basis of“stating” and“synthesizing”; there exists huge discrepancy between the theoretical slogan of Yuan poetry and its creation reality, so the conclusion from “Ziong Tang De Gu” theory that Yuan poetry is against the tradition of the Song Dynasty is untenable; the establishment of Yuan poetry style is also an official poetry style standardization process and the statement of the scholars in the Yuan Dynasty shows as well as conceals the his-tory.



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