首页> 中文期刊>武陵学刊 >在孔子与庄子之间:历史和伦理的辩证张力




The different judgments that Confucius and Zhuang Zi made for the same historical figures or events often presented the dialectical tension between history and ethics. Although the game between history and ethics has a kind of inextricable tragedy; the historical rationality does not erase but contain moral factors. Thus ethics does not point to personal morality but the benefit and welfare of the mass people. In this process, those individuals who have to give in and endure miseries shoulder accidentally the historical necessity. Therefore, both Confucius and Zhuang Zi actually thought together the way in which the human history develops and the relationship between history and morality. Although they gave different answers, they arrived at the same end.%  孔子和庄子对相同的历史人物或事件所作出的差异性评价,往往呈现出历史与伦理之间的辩证张力。虽然历史与伦理的博弈带有一种不可解决的悲剧性,但是历史理性并没有完全抹除伦理的因素,而是含纳了它,并使这种伦理不再指向个人的道德而指向大多数人的利益与福祉。在这个过程中,那些不得不作出退让并遭受苦难的作为个体的人们,以偶然性的方式承受着历史的必然。因此,孔子和庄子实际上共同思考了人类历史的展开方式以及历史和伦理之间的关系问题。他们虽然作出了不同的尝试性回答,但殊途同归,最终使紧张冲突的两个维度都得到了观照、理解与评价。



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