首页> 中文期刊> 《武汉商业服务学院学报》 >科技保险市场信息不对称的经济法矫正※




Due to the uncertainty of the risk of science and technology, information asymmetry in science and technology insurance market is more complex than any other market. So it demands government, market and the society to work together to rectify the asymmetry. From the perspective of Economic law, the roles that government, market and the society play should be clarified following the principles of modest intervention, moderate intervention and justice intervention. On this basis, some specific systems are to be improved concerning such aspects: market access, industry intermediary organization development, government finance and tax incentives and public information service so as to rectify the information asymmetry.%由于科技风险的不确定性,科技保险市场中的信息不对称比其它市场更为复杂。信息不对称的复杂性决定需要政府、市场和社会在其中共同发挥矫正作用。经济法的完善思路是按照谦抑干预、适度干预和公正干预原则厘清政府与市场、社会的关系,并据此从市场准入、行业中介组织培育、政府财税激励和公共信息服务等方面完善具体制度,以达到矫正信息不对称的目的。



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