首页> 中文期刊> 《文山学院学报》 >金针菇液体发酵培养工艺的优化研究




为了分析不同营养成分及培养条件对金针菇菌丝体生物量的影响及为金针菇液体发酵工业化生产提供参考依据,采用单因子及正交试验,分别测定不同培养基组合及培养条件下的金针菇菌丝体生物量.研究结果表明,金针菇液体发酵培养基的最优组合为:40g/L黄豆粉、20g/L可溶性淀粉、2g/L KH2PO4和1g/L MgSO4·7H2O.最优培养条件是:起始pH值6.0、接种量200mL/L、装液量400mL/L、摇床转速160r/min、培养温度25℃和恒温培养8d.%The liquid fermentation for mycelium production by Flammulina velutipes is studied in this paper. The orthogonal and single-factor experiments are adopted to explore the influence of ingredients of medium and cultural conditions on the yielding biomasses of mycelia from Flammulina velutipes. The experimental results show that the compositions of optimal medium are as fellows: 40 g/L soybean flour, 20 g/L soluble starch,2 g/L KH2PO4 and 1 g/L MgSO4·7 H2O. The dry biomasses can reach maximum production with inoculated volumes 200 mL/L,culture volumes 400 mL/L,pH6.0,160 r/min,temperature 25 ℃,and cultivation eight days. The effective culture process for the high production of Flammulina velutipes in liquid fermentation is obtained with optimal medium and culture conditions.



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