首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >司马迁的处世思想




司马迁不仅是我国古代一位伟大的史学家、文学家,而且也是一位伟大的思想家。司马迁的思想丰富、全面,其为人处世思想就是其中的一个方面。司马迁认为人在社会活动和与他人交往中,应该让而不应该争,应该谦而不应该骄,应该诚而不应该欺。司马迁的为人处世思想,其实质基本上是对中国传统为人处世主流思想的继承,但其通过司马迁在《史记》中的具体记写、表述、评说,更加具体化、形象化了,更便于人们理解和接受了。司马迁在《史记》中所表达的为人处世思想,对中国传统为人处世主流思想的积极传播起到了推动作用。%Sima Qian is not only one of the great ancient Chinese historians and writers, but also a great thinker. His thought is rich and comprehensive, including his thought of interaction with others. He thought tht both in the behavior and interaction with others, people should be tolerant and not aggressive, modest and not arrogant, sincere and not delusory. It is basically the inherit-anee to Chinese traditional thought. Anyway, through the specific writing, expression and evaluation in Historical Records, it be-came more specific, picturesque and easier to understand and accept. Sima Qian' s thought of interaction with others in Historical Records has played a catalytic role in spreading the positive communication thinking of traditional Chinese world.



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