首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >俞樟华的学术探索与创新之路




Professor Yu Zhanghua’ s academic career, from the research of Historical Records, to the research of biographical literature, to the research of academic history, is an exploration and innovation road. In the field of research on Historical Records, his Historical Records Research Data Indexing and Papers Monographs Abstract and Research History of Historical Records have the properties of integrated. Historical Records New Discussion and On Historical Records’ Art and a series work on Historical Records ac⁃ceptance history showed innovation. In the research field of biographical literature, Research of China Biography Literature Theory and The Study of Ancient Miscellaneous Biography and Analects of Biographical Literature and Research on Qing Dynasty Biography and On the Authenticity of Ancient Biography also reflect his creative spirit. In the field of research on academic history, Annals of Wang Xue and Annals of Tongcheng School and Annals of Chinese Academic and Xin Hai Log as the representative, these works re⁃flected on the persistence and transcendence of the former two.%俞樟华教授的学术之路,从《史记》研究到传记文学研究再到学术史研究,是一条探索与创新之路。《史记》研究领域,其《史记研究资料索引和论文专著提要》《史记研究史略》具有集大成的性质,《史记新探》《史记艺术论》及系列《史记》接受史等论著则凸显了创新性;传记研究领域,《中国传记文学理论研究》《古代杂传研究》《传记文学谈薮》《清代传记研究》《古代传记真实论》等体现了其创新的精神;学术史研究,以《王学编年》《桐城派编年》《中国学术编年》《辛亥日志》为代表,体现了对前两者的坚守与超越。



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