首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >敖英生卒年与仕宦时间考




Ao Ying is a legendary figure in the literati officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. The History of Ming Dynasty actually has no mention about him, and the records in Local Chronicles is also very simple. Based on the historical materials, local chronicles and other documents, the paper advances his date of birth is the fifteenth year of Chenghua period and the date of death is the forty-second year of Jiajing period. During the first year to the twenty-fourth year of Jiajing period he successively held the posts in Nan⁃jing, Shaanxi, He’ nan, Hu’ nan, Hubei, Shandong, Tianjin, Sichuan, Guizhou and the central government.%敖英在有明一代的文人仕宦中算是一位颇具传奇色彩的人物。《明史》对其生平事迹竟全无提及,而各地方志中的记述也极为简略。现钩稽史料、地方志、文集等资料,考证其生年当在成化十五年,卒年当在嘉靖四十二年。从嘉靖元年至二十四年曾先后任南京工部都水主事、刑部员外郎、吏部郎中、陕西提学佥事、河南提学副使、湖广左参议、山东副使、天津兵备道副使、四川副使、参政、贵州按察使、四川右布政使等职。



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