首页> 中文期刊>乌鲁木齐职业大学学报 >戚蓼生序本《石头记》回前回后评的作者不是脂砚斋、畸笏叟




戚蓼生序本《石头记》是现存十一种脂本中较为重要的本子,戚序本上有大量异于甲戌本、己卯本、庚辰本的独有的回前回后评,具有重要的艺术价值,但红学界对这些独有评语的作者到底是谁,还没有明确论证。通过比较脂评和这些独有的回前回后评,基本可以认定这些独有评语的作者不是脂砚斋、畸笏叟等曹雪芹的至亲好友,而是另有其人。%The masterpiece "A Dream of Red Mansions" circulated, in its early stage at the name of "Stone Tale" , among people as a kind of hand-written copy with many commentaries made by Zhiyanzhai or Jihusou, which is often called the Zhi Version in the academic circle. QI Liao-sheng Version is an important one among eleven Zhi versions having been kept till now and there are in the Version many commentaries different from those in the Jiaxn Version, the Jimao Version and the Gengehen Version, which is of great artistic value. However, it is not known till now who made these commentaries. The paper concludes by comparing the commentaries in the Qi Version with those in other Zhi versions that the commentator of the Qi Version is not Zhiyanzhai or Jihusou.



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