


Shujun and nuxiu have no relation to the genesis of Altair and Vega of China. Jianjia has no relation to the genesis of Altair and Vega of China. Hanguang recorded the earliest form of existing legend of Altair and Vega of China. Qin is absolutely not the region of the genesis of Altair and Vega of China and Qin is the region of the spread of Altair and Vega of China. The Warring States Times saw a new development of the legend of Altair and Vega of China and the Warring States Times also saw the formalization of the legend of Altair and Vega of China.%叔均、女脩与牛郎织女起源无关。《秦风·蒹葭》与牛郎织女起源无关。《周南·汉广》是牛郎织女传说的原始形态。秦绝不是有关牛郎织女故事或曰传说产生的地域,而只能是牛郎织女故事或曰传说的流传地域。牛郎织女故事或曰传说在战国时期又有了新的发展,并且牛郎织女故事或曰传说在战国时期已经基本定型。



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