首页> 中文期刊>电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) >人力资源管理视角下的医务工作者职业倦怠对策研究——基于天津市三级甲等医院的实证分析




Aiming to start from the perspective of human resource management of medical institutions, this paper identifies the status of job burnout among medical workers working at the grade-one class-three hospital in Tianjin City by large sample questionnaire survey, explores the underlying reasons by interview, solves the burnout situation from the perspective of human resources, and presents the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions so as to improving their work efficiency and service quality. The result shows that the burnout seems very severe among medical workers working at third-level grade-A medical institution in Tianjin. The medical workers aging from 31 to 40 and with intermediate title are high-risk groups of job burnout; and their burnout degree is more serious. Some of them are under severe dangerous situation. The deep reasons for less optimistic level of psychological health and the lack of work stability are mainly affected by external factors. The higher score medical workers' emotional exhaustion and depersonalization get, the more serious the degree of diminished personal accomplishment is. Based on the research, suggestions are presented that the medical institution should intervene more strongly and pay much attention to the match of positions and working autonomy. Meanwhile, corresponding internal culture should be set up to take care of medical worker's psychological training.%随着国家医疗卫生改革日渐深入,医院和公立医疗体制也处转型之际,医务工作者的心理倦怠日趋严重,进而严重影响到医务人员身心健康、医疗服务品质和医患关系的和谐.从人力资源视角,对天津市三级甲级医疗机构医务从业者职业倦怠情况开展问卷调查,发现在职业倦怠三个维度上的倦怠检出率均较高,医务工作者职业整体倦怠情况严重,其中31~40岁年龄且中级职称的医务人员是职业倦怠的高发人群,并发现深层次原因主要受外部要素的影响.为此,建议医疗机构加大干预力度,注重岗位匹配和工作自主性,强化部门合作,完善内部绩效考核与收入分配机制.同时,倡导医生为本的理念,重视医疗从业者的职业设计,树立医疗机构核心文化,提高对医务工作者精神激励和心理健康培训,加强对严重职业倦怠员工和职业倦怠易发人员的关注.



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