首页> 中文期刊> 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 >基于Lotka-Volterra的城市客运走廊机动化交通方式竞争模型




为了优化城市交通结构、缓解城市交通拥堵问题,本文在考虑城市客运走廊内3种不同类型的居民出行群体的基础上,以Lotka-Volterra模型为基础建立了公共交通与私人交通的宏观竞争模型.并分析了不同交通方式的竞争强度及不同群体出行规模对模型的稳定性与演化结果的影响.结果表明,交通方式的竞争强度和不同出行群体的规模比例是影响交通方式间竞争激烈程度与其竞争结果的重要因素.当竞争较为激烈时,最终只有竞争力相对较强的交通方式能在市场中存在;在竞争较为缓和的情况下,两种方式能在市场中共存.最后本文提出从调节交通方式竞争强度和改变不同类型居民出行比例两个方面来平衡两种方式间的竞争,以此优化城市客运走廊中交通结构.%To optimize the urban traffic structure and alleviate the problem of urban traffic congestion, the paper establishes the macroscopic competition model of public transport and private transport based on Lotka-Volterra model. And the competition intensity of different modes of transportation and the effect of trip size of different groups on the stability and evolution of the model are analyzed. The results show that the competitive intensity of transportation modes and the scale proportion of different travel groups affects the competition intensity and the competition result. When the competition is more intense, only the most competitive mode of transportation can exist in the market, and in the case of less competition, the two modes can coexist in the market. At last, the paper proposes to balance the competition between the two modes by adjusting the competition intensity coefficient of transportation modes and changing the proportion of different types of residents to optimize the traffic structure in urban passenger corridor.



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