首页> 中文期刊> 《中医文献杂志》 >糖尿病胃轻瘫现代针灸腧穴应用研究




This paper is to study acupoint spectrums of Diabetic Gastroparesis(DGP) with modern acupuncture and moxibustion by reviewing medical journal literature within past two decades. Methods:In the database of CNKI, retrieval and record were studied on the subject of common selected acupoints, rare selected acupoints and few selected acupoints by searching the amount of DGP literature and frequncy of the acupoints used in the treatment. Result:During the years of 1990-2013,there are 190 articles on acupunture for treatment of DGP, occupying 17.72%among total Chinese medical journal literature. And 48 acupoints were selected in al . The common selected acupoints(>5%) add up to 19, i.e. ST36, RN12, PC6, SP6 etc.. The rare used acupoints (1%-5%)add up to 29, i.e. LI11,ST39,BL20,etc.. Conclusion: Nine selected acupoint are recommended in prescriptions for treating DGP, such as ST36,RN12,ST25,PC6,RN4/ RN6, SP6, LR3,BL20, BL21 and other nine acupoints.%目的:通过考察20余年来期刊文献,探讨现代针灸治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫取穴规律。方法:在中国知网中国学术期刊网络出版总库CAJD中,分2次检索记录糖尿病胃轻瘫文献量及所用腧穴频次,对比分析得出针灸防治糖尿病胃轻瘫的常用腧穴、少用腧穴和未用腧穴。结果:1990-2013年针灸医学文献期刊条数为190篇,占所有医学文献期刊条数的17.72%,总计有48个腧穴被采用,文献使用频次在5%以上的常用腧穴有足三里、中脘、内关、三阴交等,计19个腧穴,文献使用频次在1%~5%的少用腧穴有曲池、下巨虚、阴陵泉、胰俞等,计有29个腧穴。结论:推荐针灸防治糖尿病胃轻瘫使用足三里、中脘、天枢、内关、关元或气海、三阴交、太冲、脾俞、胃俞9个腧穴。



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