首页> 中文期刊>苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版) >民国舆论视阈中的《大公报》




The writings about Ta Kung Pao are voluminous,but few people,if any,are concerned contemporary people’s impression of such a renowned newspaper.At that time,“the people who read the newspapers"generally thought fairly highly of the newspaper,for the good sales of the newspaper were iron-clad evidence to suggest its popularity.Just as a saying goes,“tall trees catch much of the wind".In the ups and downs of China’s modern his-tory,TaKung Pao’s voice on major events inevitably drew some negative criticism.As it advocated“non-resist-ance"in the Mukden Incident of September 18,1931(also known as the Manchurian Incident),it incurred immense criticism.Unfortunately,soon it was made a scapegoat as it took the blame for the“Fujian Incident".When the sit-uation in North China was critical,its“moving to the south"proposal was considered to be irresponsible.In the Chinese Civil War between 1945 and 1949,it got a dressing down from both sides.The government of the Republic of China called them a group of“red traitors"who had always been“on intimate terms with the Communists"while the CPC side regarded them as the spineless bourgeoisie“who offered much help rather than criticism to the corrupt the KMT government".We cannot exclude the possibility that some of their criticisms were driven by pure patriot-ism,but more importantly they showed the relationships of the complicated interests behind the scenes.%今人关于《大公报》的论著浩如烟海,却鲜有人关注时人对其怎样的印象。当时“读报阶层”对《大公报》基本是持认可态度,报纸的销量是最好的体现。但所谓树大招风,在跌宕起伏的中国近现代史中,《大公报》对重大事件所发出的声音又不免会招来非议。因为在“九一八”事变中主张“不抵抗”使其受尽了非议,很快又不幸背上了诱发“闽变”的黑锅;华北局势吃紧时的“南迁”被认为是不担当;而解放战争时期更是两边挨骂,既被骂作对国民政府“小骂大帮忙”的软弱资产阶级,又被骂作“向来亲共”的“赤色汉奸”。时人对《大公报》的这些非议的背后不排除有单纯的爱国心的驱使,但更多的是有复杂的利益关系掺杂其间。



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