


Zhou Xuanzhen,a Taoist in the end of Yuan dynasty and the beginning of Ming dynasty,became a Taoist as a child.He integrated the magic arts of several Taoism sects as Shangqing,Lingbao,Shenxiao,etc.,having mastered such Taoism magic arts as courting cranes from the Far Haven,killing demons and foxes,calling back and recommending the spirit of the dead,praying for rain,etc.,being chased after by many celebrities at the time as Liu Ji,Yao Guangxiao,Song Lian and Zheng Yuanyou.He held an intimate relationship with the royal family of the Ming dynasty,enjoyed a special favor from Taizu of Ming (Zhu Yuanzhang),who had decreed him several times and promoted him as the first director of Shen Yeeh Kuan,assigning him to compile the Ceremonial Models of Es-tablished Taoist Rites for Mysterious Religions in Grand Ming .Emperor Yongle (Zhu Di) decreed him to host a ceremony to worship the Grand Emperor Zhenwu in the fourth year of Jianwen.Zhou Xuanzhen was also committed to undertake the task of compiling the golden signs of the grand fast to worship Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma, making an auspicious sign of a sweet spring appearing from Shen Yeeh Kuan,being of great significance for Zhu Di to consolidate his imperial power and stabilize the public feeling.%明初道士周玄真自幼入道,兼上清、灵宝、神霄等多派法术于一身,精熟天外呼鹤、除妖杀狐、招魂荐亡、祈晴祷雨等道教法术,受到当时诸多名人高士如刘基、姚广孝、宋濂、郑元祐等的追捧。他与明朝皇室关系紧密,明太祖朱元璋对其恩宠有加,多次下旨召见,并封他为神乐观首任提点,命其编定《大明玄教立成斋醮仪范》;明成祖朱棣于建文四年即命其祭祀真武大帝。周玄真还受命修金箓大斋祭祀朱元璋、马皇后,并有醴泉出于神乐观的祥瑞出现,这对朱棣巩固皇权、稳定人心具有重要意义。



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