首页> 中文期刊>苏州大学学报(教育科学版) >科举革废与晚清程朱理学的兴衰




Due to its role in maintaining morals and social unity and the support from rules and literati,Neo-Confucianism of Ch'eng-Chu revived during the reign of Xianfeng and Tongzhi in the late Qing Dynasty, a society of unrest. Influenced by this revival,Imperial Examination questions had strong traces of Neo-Confucianism. The Imperial Examination in the late Qing Dynasty included mathematics and discourse on politics as a substitute for the former eight-part essays. This toppled Neo-Confucianism and its belief system. The abolition of the Imperial Examination in 1905 became a fatal blow on Neo-Confucianism,causing the collapse of its inheritance system,the shrink of the learning group,and the decline of Confucian culture.%晚清时局动荡,程朱理学因其维系人心世风的巨大功能而重新受到统治者和士大夫的重视,咸丰、同治年间一度兴盛。受理学中兴影响,此时期的科举考题带有浓重的理学复兴印迹。晚清科举增设算学科、废八股改策论等重大改革,不仅动摇了理学的独尊地位,而且使其信仰体系日渐消解。1905年,清廷废止科举,更是给理学以致命一击,使理学传承体系崩溃,学习群体萎缩,儒家文化地位一落千丈。



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