首页> 中文期刊> 《苏州教育学院学报》 >美剧迷的身份展演和认同建构-对《生活大爆炸》豆瓣小组粉丝交流活动的考察




结合艾伯柯龙比、朗赫斯特的观展/表演范式和戈夫曼的表演理论,用文本分析的方法考察《生活大爆炸》粉丝在豆瓣小组内的交流实践类型,研究美剧迷交流实践的“表演”过程以及认同建构的一般路径。美剧迷的交流实践是一种展演行为,在此过程中,美剧迷自身的媒介能力和文本生产力影响到他们对自我身份的想象,他人的反馈提供了美剧迷观照自身的“镜像”。在自我呈现和他者互动中,美剧迷得以反思、修补,从而建构身份认同。加上媒介渗透的影响,美剧迷的身份认同在观展—自恋的循环中得到强化。%By applying Abercrombie and Longhurst’s theory of Spectacle/Performance Paradigm and Goffman’s idea of self-presentation, this paper reviews the discussion and transcendence among a DouBan Group (a platform for expressing views and opinions) that gathers fans of an American TV series namedThe Big Bang Theory to explore the issue of identity performance and construction of such fans through the method of text analysis. During the process of discussion and transcendence which is a kind of performance, the fans’media competencies and text productivity would inlfuence their imagination of self-identity. Meanwhile, other’s feedbacks act as a mirror for the fans to relfect on their own sense of identity. Through self-presentation and interaction with others, American TV Series fans are able to relfect, adjust and construct certain identiifcation. Moreover, with the inlfuence of media drenching, such identiifcation may intensify through the circulation of spectacle and narcissism.



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